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our services: in greater detail

organizational assessments


Organizational assessments provide a powerful tool in uncovering both your “what” and “how” challenges, opportunities, and capacity building needs. This service enables your organization to align goals, impact, values, and culture for optimal outcomes. Our organizational assessments include actionable and realistic immediate and medium- to longer-term recommendations to support you in strengthening your work, culture, and impact, while aligning with your goals, resources, and capacity. 


To schedule a complementary conversation to learn more, please contact me here. 


strategic planning


Our strategic planning process guides the direction of your organization through identifying and refining your mission, vision, values, goals, and strategies. Our strategic plans are accompanied by an actionable implementation plan to help you operationalize the strategic plan and achieve tangible and measurable impact.


To schedule a complementary conversation to learn more, please contact me here. 


organizational values


Our organizational values process helps your organization find values alignment and empower values-led decision making at all levels of your organization. Our unique process creates a culture rooted in authenticity, transparency, and shared values; leading and working in a way that achieves impact, while maintaining trust and integrity with the people both charged with implementing the work and most impacted by the work. This service includes an easy to implement values decision-making scorecard customized to your organization’s unique values.


To schedule a complementary conversation to learn more, please contact me here. 


analysis of policies & procedures


Our analysis of your organization’s key policies and procedures provides an outside thought partner perspective to align your policies, procedures, systems, and service delivery to your strategic goals and values. This ensures a cohesive and values-driven approach to your work and work culture. Key policies and procedures can include your organizational bylaws, board policies and procedures, recruitment and hiring, employee handbook and benefits, goal setting and employee review, budget planning, program and service delivery, and other operational policies, procedures, and systems. 


To schedule a complementary conversation to learn more, please contact me here. 


change management & leadership coaching 


We all do better when we all do better. Just Possibilities offers coaching and support for your organization’s teams and leaders. This service ensures effective communication, transparency, change management, values alignment, conflict resolution, and accountability across and among your organization’s stakeholders, allowing you to work together with integrity, breaking habits that can obstruct your impact and culture.  


To schedule a complementary conversation to learn more, please contact me here. 

organizational assessment
strategic planning
Organizational Values
analysis of policies
change management


‭(202) 813-2140‬



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